News Stories
Dear SRC Community,
We are thrilled to announce that Seb’s Recreation Center (SRC) has officially regained non-profit status as of March 1, 2024! We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have stood by us and supported us throughout this journey. SRC is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive and achieve their personal goals regardless of physical or cognitive ability.
Your belief in our mission inspires us every day, and we are excited to continue positively impacting the lives of those we serve.
Sincerely, Management
Recent news stories

Sēbian’s Song (Stay Positive) by Kevin Christian is now available for purchase on Amazon, Apple Music, or iTunes. “Sēbian Holiday was an amazing teenager with a beautiful spirit who with the help of his dad started a recreation center that caters to the disabled community. Let’s help this amazing dad, Keithan Holiday, by supporting his son’s legacy.”
~ Kevin Christian