Sēb's Page
couldn't handle it... God made me like this
because I CAN!"

Sēb's Page
How SRC Began
For you my son…
Hello, my name is Keithan Holiday, and I am the president of Sēb’s Recreation Center (SRC). I am excited to introduce to you this unique facility that strives to provide a safe, comfortable environment for the physically challenged to work out, attend classes, engage in informational seminars, relax, and have fun with their families, caregivers, and other participants. As the father of a disabled son, we struggled to find activities, both physically and socially, where we both could participate at the same time and under the same roof.
The dream of opening a recreational center for the disabled stems from my son going to work with me one day at a ‘recreational center’ and not being able to do anything. He asked me, “Dad, what can I do here?” I replied, “Son, we can swim, but that’s about it.” I could tell that Sēbian was upset and after some time had passed I asked him what was on his mind. He said, “Dad it’s not right that there is nothing here for me to do. We should open up a recreational center for people like me, the disabled.” My reply to him was, “I think that is a great idea and I will do my best to make that happen.”
In trying to fulfill my son’s wish, my goal is to provide high quality products and services in one convenient location for all to enjoy. The center is supported by professionally trained and knowledgeable staff. We aim to have personal relationships with our clients and customers that will last for years to come. Please check back from time to time, as new information becomes available regarding daily and fundraising events offered by SRC.
I thank you for taking the time to learn more about Sēb’s Recreation Center. If you are inspired by our vision for SRC and would like to help make the center a success, please do not hesitate to volunteer or make a contribution.
I encourage you to explore our website to learn more about specific services and programs that are offered by SRC. Thank you again for your interest in Sēb’s Recreation Center and we look forward to serving you.
Keithan Holiday
President of Sēb’s Recreation Center

Sēbian Holiday had a dream...
In June 2013, Sēb’s Recreation Center (SRC) submitted an application to become a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, with a mission to empower individuals with special needs and unique challenges. Approval was granted in September 2015, marking the start of the search for a permanent location. By the summer of 2017, SRC had secured a building, bringing Sēbian’s dream closer to reality. By November, the center was taking shape, and Sēb’s Recreation Center was on the path to opening its doors to the community.
On January 19, 2018, after nearly five years of dedicated planning, Sēbian’s vision became a reality with the grand opening of Sēb’s Recreation Center. This milestone marked the beginning of SRC’s mission to provide an inclusive space for everyone to enjoy. On opening day, Sēbian shared his story with the community on local television.
It wasn’t long before Sēbian’s newly opened center gained recognition well beyond the local community. In February 2018, Chris Ulmer of Special Books by Special Kids shared Sēbian’s story globally, featuring it on YouTube, Facebook, and the SBSK website. Sēbian’s positive attitude, infectious personality, and warm smile resonated with audiences worldwide, resulting in an outpouring of heartfelt feedback across social media platforms.
On March 8, 2018, Cody Broadway featured Sēbian’s story in a 9News segment that resonated deeply with viewers. The station received an overwhelming response, with dozens of calls from individuals eager to learn more about Sēb and explore ways to support his recreation center.

Shortly after Cody’s story aired on 9News, Sēbian faced health challenges that required an extended hospital stay. Despite these setbacks, he remained positive and continued to inspire people across the country. During this time, he received countless messages of support and prayers from well-wishers nationwide. Following his release, Sēbian expressed his gratitude to his supporters through a heartfelt message on Facebook.
As the weeks went on, Sēb’s Recreation Center continued to host daily events and activities while actively promoting its services within the local community. During this time, Sēbian’s health began to decline. Although he was unable to be physically present at the center, he remained closely informed about its daily operations through regular updates at home.
On June 19, 2018, at the age of 16, Sēbian was called home. In his short time on Earth, he touched the lives of hundreds, including many who never had the opportunity to meet him in person. His passing was met with an outpouring of love and condolences from family, friends, and supporters, who expressed their sympathy through phone calls, cards, and social media tributes.

In the weeks and months following Sēbian’s passing, Sēb’s Recreation Center received an outpouring of sympathy through cards, phone calls, and visits from the community, expressing support for his family and friends. During this period of mourning, awareness of SRC continued to grow. The center welcomed more visitors, gained new members, and introduced additional events and activities. Sēbian’s legacy lived on, and his vision for the center remained an enduring part of the community.
On November 17, 2018, on what would have been Sēbian’s 17th birthday, family and friends gathered at Sēb’s Recreation Center to celebrate his life and the remarkable accomplishments he achieved before being called Home. In his honor, balloons were released as a tribute to a young man with a visionary spirit and a dream to make a difference for others like him.

Remembering Sēbian
Balloon Release June 19, 2020
Balloon Release November 17, 2020